I want to reference the specific struct in a Box<dyn Trait>
. I know exactly what the struct is so I am ok with using unsafe
operations. When I typecast it using raw pointers it gives a SIGSEGV.
trait Help {}
struct Me {
data: Vec<String>
impl Help for Me {}
fn main() {
let me = Me { data: vec!["please".to_string(), "help".to_string()] };
let me: Box<dyn Help> = Box::new(me);
let inner = unsafe {
*(me.as_ref() as *const dyn Help as *const &Me)
assert_eq!(inner.data, vec!["hello", "world"]);
I'm trying to avoid Any
because the production logic doesn't have it and I want to peek into the internal state for tests.
As I said in the comments, I believe it is a good idea to not do that with unsafe code, but if you really want, your mistake is the extra &
let inner = unsafe { &*(&*me as *const dyn Help as *const Me) };
I also removed the as_ref()
because it is risky, inference may turn it into things you didn't intend, and added a &
in the beginning because it was required.