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Defaulted 3-way comparison generates more code than expected

Consider the following piece of code:

struct B {
    friend bool operator< (const B&, const B&);
    friend bool operator==(const B&, const B&);

struct D : B {
    friend std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const D&, const D&) = default;

bool less(const D& a, const D& b) {
    return a < b;

Operators < and == are intentionally left undefined to avoid optimizations related to their inlining.

When I look at the assembly code (gcc) for the less() function, it appears to be fully equivalent to the following (this is true for both std::strong_ordering and std::weak_ordering return types of operator<=>):

bool less(const D& a, const D& b) {
    if (static_cast<const B&>(a) == static_cast<const B&>(b))
        return false;
        return static_cast<const B&>(a) < static_cast<const B&>(b);

whereas I was expecting to see this:

bool less(const D& a, const D& b) {
    return static_cast<const B&>(a) < static_cast<const B&>(b);

Why do compilers generate an additional call to operator==(const B&, const B&) instead of just calling operator<(const B&, const B&)? Is it a missing optimization or there is a fundamental reason to check equality?


  • This is how synthesis of tree way commemorator is defined by standard.


    11.11.3 Three-way comparison

    The synthesized three-way comparison of type R ([cmp.categories]) of glvalues a and b of the same type is defined as follows:

    • (1.1)

      If a <=> b is usable ([]), static_­cast<R>(a <=> b).

    • (1.2)

      Otherwise, if overload resolution for a <=> b is performed and finds at least one viable candidate, the synthesized three-way comparison is not defined.

    • (1.3)

      Otherwise, if R is not a comparison category type, or either the expression a == b or the expression a < b is not usable, the synthesized three-way comparison is not defined.

    • (1.4)

      Otherwise, if R is strong_­ordering, then

      a == b ? strong_ordering::equal :
      a < b  ? strong_ordering::less :

    Basically since in your example compiler do not see implementation of bool operator< (const B&, const B&); and bool operator==(const B&, const B&); it must assume that they can have some side effects and must follow above definition literally.

    Question is now can compiler optimize this if it could see through bool operator< (const B&, const B&); and bool operator==(const B&, const B&); and prove they do not have any side effects?

    Apparently it can but in such case also less2 is also optimized in same way. Note that after that assembly of operator<(B const&, B const&) is same as assemblies of less and less2, so operator< for B and D are equivalent.