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Neovim - LSP double renaming problem with using Pyright and Pylsp

I am using Pyright LSP as main LSP server and pylsp for pep8 validation but is there problem with renaming. It happens 2 times a row: one from Pyright and another from pylsp. What is wrong in my config and how to disable pylsp renaming?

And maybe someone can explain how to properly setup Rope, i tried to move from pyright to pylsp with rope, but it extremely slow, something about 5 seconds needs Rope to create autocompletion and GoToDefinition works only for my methods, instead all libs in Pyright, also Rope cannot autocomplete libs methods, it works only for methods written by me



config = function()

local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")

local capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities()


    capabilities = capabilities,


local venv_path = os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV')

local py_path = nil

-- decide which python executable to use for mypy

if venv_path ~= nil then

    py_path = venv_path .. "/bin/python3"


    py_path = ".venv/bin/python"




    capabilities = capabilities,

    settings = {

        pylsp = {

            plugins = {

            black = { enabled = false },
            autopep8 = { enabled = false },
            yapf = { enabled = false },
            flake8 = {
                enabled = true,
                maxLineLength = 120

            pylint = { enabled = false, executable = "pylint" },
            ruff = { enabled = false },
            pyflakes = { enabled = false },
            pycodestyle = { enabled = false },

            -- type checker
            pylsp_mypy = {
                enabled = false,
                overrides = { "--python-executable", py_path, true },
                report_progress = true,
                live_mode = false

            -- auto-completion options
            jedi_completion = {
                enabled = false,
                fuzzy = true,

            jedi_definition = {
                enabled = false,

            rope_autoimport = {
                enabled = false,
                memory = true,
                completions = {
                    enabled = true
                code_actions = {
                    enabled = true
            rope_completion = {
                enabled = false,
                eager = true
            -- import sorting
            isort = { enabled = true },



  • As @MonsieurMerso advised, I disabled renaming in on_attach method during initialization pyslp

        capabilities = capabilities,
        on_attach = function (client)
          client.server_capabilities.renameProvider = false