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How to apply X3D clipPlane to only one object in the scene without affecting others?

I am working on an application using X3D and would like to apply a clipping plane (clipPlane) to only one object in my scene, without affecting other objects. However, it seems that when I define a clipPlane, it affects the entire scene.

Is there any way to specify that the clipPlane should be applied only to a specific object in the scene, while the other objects remain unaffected?

Here is a simplified example:

enter image description here

The yellow line represents the clipPlane, would have a way to aplied the clip plane only for red cube, but not for the blue esphere and green cone?


  • In X3D you can put the box in its own group node, like this...

    #X3D V4.0 utf8 
    Transform {
      translation -2 0 0
      children [
        Shape {
          appearance Appearance{
            material Material{
              diffuseColor 0 1 0
          geometry Cone{}
    Transform {
      translation 0 0 0
      children [
          ClipPlane {
              plane 1 0 0 0
        Shape {
          appearance Appearance{
            material Material{
              diffuseColor 1 0 0
          geometry Box {}
    Transform {
      translation 2 0 0
      children [
        Shape {
          appearance Appearance{
            material Material{
              diffuseColor 0 0 1
          geometry Sphere {}