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Minicom serial echo on script execution

I am trying to send a multi character command to a device controlled via serial using minicom but I do not fully understand the behaviour of the minicom-serial interaction I am seeing.

I have set the port to the desired baud rate (115200) and flow control settings.

Below my minirc settings file, minirc.SSI_SERIAL .

# Machine-generated file - use "minicom -s" to change parameters.
pu port             /dev/ttyS0
pu baudrate         115200
pu bits             8
pu parity           N
pu stopbits         1
pu rtscts           No 

I then try to send a command via script with command

minicom SSI_SERIAL -S minis_command1

content of the minis_command1 script:

sleep 1
send ***

that results in the expected device behaviour, however the minicom terminal only echoes back to me:


where I would expect


Then I try to run the following script

sleep 1
send load -r -b 0x80000 -m ymodem

but the device does not behave as expected and I get echoed back:


I would expect

#load -r -b 0x80000 -m ymodem


  • My guess is Minicom send char by char, which is not recognized as command by your receipent. Please use eg. Python script to send your multi-chars commands.