I'm doing a simple menu with ncurses. It works for cygwin, but not in linux - home or end keys end the program immediately. I think handling of excape (27) has something to do with it because if I don't handle it in linux home and end have no effect. in cygwin - home, end and esc work fine (of course escape usually works which delay as it aways did in linux).
in my event loop I do this
while (true) {
clearScr = false;
c = wgetch(menuWin);
switch (c) {
case KEY_HOME: {
code = menu_driver(menu, REQ_FIRST_ITEM);
case KEY_END: {
code = menu_driver(menu, REQ_LAST_ITEM);
case 27: {// Esc key - if I remove this home and end still doesn't work but they don't quit the program
if (!isSubMenu) {
// Handle cancel logic
//are you sure?
I'm doing this when I create the menu
keypad(menuWin, TRUE);
my ncurses init/cleanup code:
void initialize_ncurses() {
keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); // Prevent flush on interrupt keys - ChatGPT advice
init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
init_pair(2, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE); // Selected text color pair
void cleanup_ncurses() {
I'm connecting to linux via putty. putty keyboard settings:
The terminal as set by the TERM environment variable must match the terminal you are using. Linux ships with many different putty configurations, but as @ThomasDickey says, there may be putty configurations that do not exist.
putty putty+fnkeys+sco putty-m1 putty+screen
putty-256color putty+fnkeys+vt100 putty-m1b putty-screen
putty+fnkeys putty+fnkeys+vt400 putty-m2 putty-vt100
putty+fnkeys+esc putty+fnkeys+xterm putty-noapp
putty+fnkeys+linux putty+keypad putty-sco
I would be inclined to try TERM=putty+fnkeys+xterm
(with putty set to Xterm R6 emulation). You can also try TERM=xterm
or TERM=vt100
and see if those might work.