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How to filter a query based on row number using LINQ with Entity Framework

I have the following query in MySQL (version 8+)

SELECT MachineId, TotalProduction
    SELECT MachineId,
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DATE(InsertedAt) ORDER BY InsertedAt DESC) AS rn
    FROM Machines
) AS a
WHERE rn = 1;

I want to translate this query to a LINQ query. I'm using Entity Framework Core 8.0.6.

I have already read this and this answers, but none of them are using the row number as a parameter to filter, only to select. How can I translate the SQL query to Entity Framework Core with LINQ, including filtering based on the row number?


  • You can select directly out of a grouped query using .First. This should in theory be translated to a ROW_NUMBER query.

    var query =
        from m in db.Machines
        group by m.InsertedAt.Date into g
        select g.OrderByDescending(m2 => m2.InsertedAt).First();