I'm learning Prolog, and as an exercise, I'm experimenting with a simple database that calculates the sum of all numbers up to the given number (i.e. 0=0, 1=1, 2=3, 3=6, 4=10, ...). Easy enough:
counting_sum(0, 0).
counting_sum(Num, Sum) :- Num > 0, PrevNum is Num - 1,
counting_sum(PrevNum, PrevSum), Sum is Num + PrevSum.
That blows up somewhere around counting_sum(150000, X).
with a stack overflow. I understand that Prolog can do tail recursion, but if I move the recursive call to the end of the rule, I get
which I assume is telling me I can't use PrevSum
before it's been unified with counting_sum(PrevNum, PrevSum)
. Is that correct, and is there any way to make this tail-recursive? I'm using GNU Prolog 1.3.1 if that makes any difference.
P.S. I'm still shaky on the terminology. Let me know if I used the terms incorrectly.
Try something like this (use an accumulator):
counting_sum(Count, Sum):-
counting_sum(Count, 0, Sum).
counting_sum(0, Sum, Sum).
counting_sum(Num, PrevSum, Sum):- Num > 0, PrevNum is Num - 1,
NextSum is PrevSum + Num,
counting_sum(PrevNum, NextSum, Sum).