I have a contrived recursive tuple definition:
type TupleRecursion<T> =
T extends [infer HEAD, ...infer TAIL]
? [HEAD, ...TupleRecursion<TAIL>]
: [];
and then I try to constrain my function's parameters using this type. I would expect such a function to allow any tuple:
function foo<T>(tuple: TupleRecursion<T>) {}
However, when I call the function with a tuple with two elements:
test(["test", "hi"]);
I get the error "Source has 2 element(s) but target allows only 0".
Why is this happening? How can I get TS to accept a tuple of any length and correctly infer its type?
If it matters why I'm doing this, it's because I really want TupleRecursion<T>
to constrain the tuple further (specifically, enforce that each element in the tuple satisfies a mapping from the previous element).
type ConvertRecursiveTuple<T> = T extends [infer One, ...infer Rest]
? Rest extends []
? [One]
: [One, ...ConvertRecursiveTuple<Rest>]
: [];
function foo<T extends any[]>(tuple: T & ConvertRecursiveTuple<T>) {
return tuple;
const a = foo(["hello", 123, false]);