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How to disable pager in rails console so entire result prints to console?

When running an ActiveRecord query in the rails console, I see as much of the result that fits on the screen, followed by a : and a flashing cursor indicating a pager is in use.

Is there a way (e.g. a setting I can tinker with) to disable this pager for the whole rails console session, so all content displayed is printed to the rails console in its entirety without use of a pager?

What I know so far

I tried running these in a fresh rails console session:

IRB.conf[:USE_MULTILINE] = false
IRB.conf[:PAGER] = false

if defined?(Rails::Console)
  Rails.application.console do
    IRB.conf[:USE_MULTILINE] = false
    IRB.conf[:PAGER] = false

But when I run an ActiveRecord query and the result doesn't fit on screen it still invokes the pager just as before.


  • Configuration is:

    IRB.conf[:USE_PAGER] = false

    Doesn't look like it's documented anywhere, but you can see available options:

    >> IRB.conf
    {:VERSION=>"irb 1.13.1 (2024-05-05)",
     :USE_PAGER=>true,         # <=

    That's all there is on :USE_PAGER: