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DataTable.Compute() raising an exception in C# WinUI

I am creating a simple calculator app in WinUI with C#. I am using the Compute method in DataTable to solve the arithmetic problem. AnswerBox is a label where numbers and operators are appended, and an answer is displayed (using the compute function) when a button is clicked.

AnswerBox.Text = (string)new DataTable().Compute(AnswerBox.Text, "");

It raises an exception when I enter 2+2 (or any other valid expression) in the label. The exception is not shown in vs2022, the app crashes and opens the App.g.i.cs file showing the following.

            UnhandledException += (sender, e) =>
                if (global::System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) global::System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();


  • In this case, the following code returns an int value, 4 to be specific.

    new DataTable().Compute(AnswerBox.Text, "");

    The issue is that you can't just cast int to string.

    The next code should work:

    var dataTable = new DataTable();
    if (dataTable.Compute(AnswerBox.Text, "") is int coputeResult)
        AnswerBox.Text = coputeResult.ToString();