I'm running Net8.0 on a Macbook Intel with Sonoma 14.3
I'm trying to call a Javascript function from the WASM client in a Blazor project.
My code is a simple alert test:
@namespace SharedComponents.JSInteropSamples
@page "/nettojswasm"
@rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly
@using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript
<h3>This is a demo how to call JavaScript from .NET</h3>
<button @onclick="ShowMyAlert">Show Alert</button>
@code {
protected async void ShowMyAlert()
ShowAlert("Hello from .NET");
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await JSHost.ImportAsync("nettojswasm", "NetToJSWasm.razor.js");
export function showAlert(message) {
return alert(message);
namespace SharedComponents.JSInteropSamples;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
public partial class NetToJsWasm
[JSImport("showAlert", "nettojswasm")]
internal static partial string ShowAlert(string message);
When I execute, I get the error PlatformNotSupportedException
PlatformNotSupportedException: System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript is not supported on this platform.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.JSHost.ImportAsync(string moduleName, string moduleUrl, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
MyBlog.Client.JSInteropSamples.NetToJsWasm.OnInitializedAsync() in NetToJsWasm.razor
await JSHost.ImportAsync("nettojswasm", "NetToJSWasm.razor.js");
Only related topic is Blazor WASM - JavaScript not supported on Linux, but this is related to Linux/Ubuntu, and the workaround is not clear for me.
The problem was that this component is running in a project with prerender active. It's not enough to declare @rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly
. I had to deactivate the prerender as @rendermode @(new InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode(prerender:false))
This is the working NetToJsWasm.razor
@namespace SharedComponents.JSInteropSamples
@page "/nettojswasm"
@* @rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly *@
@rendermode @(new InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode(prerender:false))
@using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript
<h3>This is a demo how to call JavaScript from .NET</h3>
<button @onclick="ShowMyAlert">Show Alert</button>
@code {
protected async void ShowMyAlert()
ShowAlert("Hello from .NET");
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await JSHost.ImportAsync("nettojswasm", "../_content/SharedComponents/JSInteropSamples/NetToJsWasm.razor.js");
BTW: I have declared the path to javascript code analysing the generated folder structure: ../_content/SharedComponents/JSInteropSamples/NetToJsWasm.razor.js
. But I'm afraid is not correct. Do you know best way to declare the path without depending of current location?