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Rust TOML reading table and key-value in order

How to read TOML in order?

I have this code:

  let toml_content: Value = contents.parse::<toml::Value>().unwrap();
  for key in toml_content.as_table().unwrap().keys() {
    println!("{:?}", key);

Returning output:


While I expect ordered output:


Because I have this toml file, where Person is 1st:

name = "str"
age = "u8"
ttl = "u8"
wallet = "Wallet"

owner = "Person"
balance = "f64"

name = "str"
members = ["Person"]


  • Assuming you're using the toml crate, enable the preserve_order feature. This is documented here.

    Add this into Cargo.toml

    toml = { version = "*", features = ["preserve_order"] }