compress xs@(_:_:_) = (ifte <$> ((==) <$> head <*> head.tail) <$> ((compress.).(:) <$> head <*> tail.tail) <*> ((:) <$> head <*> compress.tail) ) xs
Results in a type error, but I can't see why. It should be equivalent to
compress xs@(_:_:_) = (ifte (((==) <$> head <*> head.tail) xs) (((compress.).(:) <$> head <*> tail.tail) xs) (((:) <$> head <*> compress.tail) xs))
, which doesn't.
note: ifte = (\ x y z -> if x then y else z)
, <$>
and <*>
are from Control.Applicative
EDIT: The error is:
Couldn't match expected type `[a]' with actual type `[a] -> [a]'
In the expression:
(ifte <$> ((==) <$> head <*> head . tail)
((compress .) . (:) <$> head <*> tail . tail)
((:) <$> head <*> compress . tail))
$ xs
In an equation for `compress':
compress xs@(_ : _ : _)
= (ifte <$> ((==) <$> head <*> head . tail)
((compress .) . (:) <$> head <*> tail . tail)
((:) <$> head <*> compress . tail))
$ xs
I encountered this problem trying to write a pointfree solution to problem 8 of the Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems. I was trying to do it by modifying the pointful solution I had written, which was
compress::Eq a => [a]->[a]
compress [] = []
compress (x:[]) = (x:[])
compress (x:y:xs) = ifte ((==) x y) (compress (x:xs)) (x:(compress (y:xs)))
First, indent. Second, consider using some variables.
Even with more sensible formatting, you can see that it's
compress =
ifte <$> ((==) <$> head <*> head.tail)
<$> ((compress.).(:) <$> head <*> tail.tail)
<*> ((:) <$> head <*> compress.tail)
when it should be
compress =
ifte <$> ((==) <$> head <*> head.tail)
<*> ((compress.).(:) <$> head <*> tail.tail)
<*> ((:) <$> head <*> compress.tail)
Third, even if you must be inscrutable, how about
compress (x:r@(y:_)) = ifte (x==y) id (x:) $ compress r
or, point free
compress = map fst . filter (uncurry (/=)) . (zip <$> id <*> tail)