My current pandas crosstab is repeating the crosstab laterally (column wise) per metric. I would like to have the metrics repeated row-wise per row column category instead. The below illustration (current output vs desired output) shows the structural change I'm after. Appreciate your advice.
Here's my code:
pd.crosstab([df.var1,df.var2], [df.var3], values=df.values_var, aggfunc=[len, np.mean])
Here's my illustration:
You only need df.stack(0)
Create Input dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame([[79, 83,58,22,42,74],[72,48,29,68,77,48],[59,34,89,54,56,61],[48,41,70,33,40,56]])
df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['A','B'],['Car1','Car2']], names=['Row Variable 1', 'Row Variable 2'])
cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['Count', 'Mean'],[1,2,3]], names=['Metrics','Column Varible 1'])
df = df.set_axis(cols, axis=1)
Input Dataframe:
Metrics Count Mean
Column Varible 1 1 2 3 1 2 3
Row Variable 1 Row Variable 2
A Car1 79 83 58 22 42 74
Car2 72 48 29 68 77 48
B Car1 59 34 89 54 56 61
Car2 48 41 70 33 40 56
Now, let's stack level 0 of column muliindex header:
Column Varible 1 1 2 3
Row Variable 1 Row Variable 2 Metrics
A Car1 Count 79 83 58
Mean 22 42 74
Car2 Count 72 48 29
Mean 68 77 48
B Car1 Count 59 34 89
Mean 54 56 61
Car2 Count 48 41 70
Mean 33 40 56