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Google mock dependency injection in fixture gives 'invalid new-expression of abstract class type' error

I am trying to create an example of how dependency injection can benefit the current code base I am working on. Part of the example is a demonstration of how DI can benefit the unit testability of the code.

In this example, a compile error is given that I have never seen before: I do understand that a virtual function must be implemented.

Looking at the googletest source, the following comment is given for the virtual function of "TestBody()":

Did I miss anything with my implementation of the mock or test? I look forward to your ideas.

I tried the following example in Godbolt: My expectation is that it would compile and run. But the error given by the compiler seems to point out an implementation issue with the googletest framework.


  • The problem is that there are two classes called Test in scope of TestFixture: ::testing::Test (added as injected-class-name) and your ::Test in global scope. When compiler looks up Test, it first finds injected-class-name ::testing::Test and this is an abstract class.

    The solution is simply to rename your struct Test to something else or use ::Test everywhere in TestFixture to make sure compiler chooses your class from global namespace.