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Temporarily map a named docker volume on the host

I have a named volume called foo. I can find its physical location on the host via docker volume inspect foo which gives me something like /var/lib/docker/volumes/foo/_data. I want to be able to rsync files from and to that directory on the host (i.e from and to that named volume) but I want to avoid doing that directly on that path which will also require me using root.

Is there a clean way to temporarilly map that foo named volume on the host's /tmp/foo path so I can do whatever I want to be doing and then removing that mapping?


  • I didn't find a way to map the volume to the host so I could rsync.

    The next possible clean way was to start a container, map the host's ssh key and known_hosts into /root/.ssh/, install rsync, and rsync from there.

    docker run \
           --rm \
           --name temp-container-for-volume-rsync \
           --volume foo:/vol \
           --volume ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
           alpine \
           sh -c 'apk add --no-cache openssh-client rsync && rsync -avzi /vol [email protected]:/tmp/'