I would like to create a multihop SSH tunnel that allows multiple SSH sessions for users but only uses one SSH session on the Second Hop.
User 1 --\
User 2 ---> First Hop ---> Second Hop ---> Svr
User 3 --/
First Hop is a shared user that everyone uses (call it user1) Second Hop is also a shared user (call it user2) Svr uses the arguments provided
The way I have it set up currently is:
My problem is that the Second Hop server has a 10 ssh session limit per user, and since it's a shared user and there are way more than 10 users trying to login to Svr, I often get "Too many logins for user".
I have root access to the First Hop, but not the Second Hop.
Is there a way to provide the same functionality but only using ONE ssh session on the Second Hop?
I tried the regular ssh -L :localhost: tunneling method, but i don't think that will work. It sounds like SOCKS proxy is the way to go, but I cannot get it to work.
It could be done with one LocalForward from FirstHop to SecondHop.
This should only be started once in a tmux/screen/nohup session.
FirstHop$ ssh userSecondHop@secondHop -L 2022:<EndServer>:22
A user can connect to the EndServer by
ssh EndUser@localhost -p 2022 -J defaultUser@firsthop
Btw. If you can't switch to private/public keys, would recommend to use the SSH-variables instead of expect scripts.