I implemented a simple path tracing renderer and I've been profiling my code via ncu-ui
. I found something confusing in the SASS generated by the CUDA compiler. Here is snippet that generates the confusing SASS instructions:
// CPT_GPU means '__device__' here
CPT_GPU float ray_intersect(
const Ray& ray,
ConstShapePtr shapes,
ConstAABBPtr s_aabbs,
ShapeIntersectVisitor& shape_visitor,
int& min_index,
const int remain_prims,
const int cp_base_5,
float min_dist
) {
float aabb_tmin = 0;
#pragma unroll
for (int idx = 0; idx < remain_prims; idx ++) {
if (s_aabbs[idx].intersect(ray, aabb_tmin) && aabb_tmin <= min_dist) {
float dist = variant::apply_visitor(shape_visitor, shapes[cp_base_5 + idx]);
bool valid = dist > EPSILON && dist < min_dist;
min_dist = valid ? dist : min_dist;
// ------------ the question stems from the line below ---------------
min_index = valid ? cp_base_5 + idx : min_index;
return min_dist;
The logic, for the sake of clarity, is fairly straightforward: the program traverses through all the triangles, and find the closest hit. If the hit is closer than the currently recorded minimal hit distance (then valid
would be true), we record the triangle index in min_index
. Otherwise, min_index
remains unchanged. Yet in the SASS instructions, the min_index = valid ? cp_base_5 + idx : min_index;
generates the following code:
SEL R24, R25, R24, P0 % Select Source with Predicate
BSYNC B8 % Synchronize Threads on a Convergence Barrier
The profiler tells me that the min_index
selection causes considerable amount of warp stalling (with 77.51% being "No instructions" and ~14% being "Branch resolving"). Also, the for loop in the code also introduces much warp stalling (with 50% being "Barrier"). So I wonder:
here? Isn't the code branchless and there is no explicit synchronization point? What's the point of this op?The full code can be found here, if one cares to look into this. Easy compilation with CMake on an NV GPU device.
I've done the profiling, and what surprises me is that on 3060 laptop, the performance gets even worse than the original implementation, yet on a 2060 workstation, the performance is boosted by almost 2.5x. I really don't understand why this is so, and one of my friend tells me that maybe for 3060 (related arch), the compiler is less performant (not verified) since the same program only needs 64 registers on 2060 machine while 72 registers are needed for 3060. This is indeed weird, so I will only break down what boosts the speed on the 2060 workstation.
As pointed out by @Homer512 and @Johan, BSYNC
here is related to branch divergence. The paper recommended by @Homer512 illustrates this, and I put a figure from that paper below:
I think the paper is inspiring and based on the idea of loop merging, the code is first refactored into the following:
float aabb_tmin = 0;
int8_t tasks[32] = {0}, cnt = 0; // 32 bytes
#pragma unroll
for (int idx = 0; idx < remain_prims; idx++) {
// if current ray intersects primitive at [idx], tasks will store it
int valid_intr = s_aabbs[idx].intersect(ray, aabb_tmin); // valid intersect
tasks[cnt] = valid_intr ? (int8_t)idx : (int8_t)0;
cnt += valid_intr;
// note that __any_sync here won't work well
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
int idx = tasks[i];
float dist = variant::apply_visitor(shape_visitor, shapes[cp_base_5 + idx]);
bool valid = dist > EPSILON && dist < min_dist;
min_dist = valid ? dist : min_dist;
min_index = valid ? cp_base_5 + idx : min_index;
return min_dist;
This implementation avoids convergence synchronization that happens every iteration, where there might be only parts of the threads being active. This implementation should work in the following way: for the first N iterations (N is the minimum triangle hit count), all the threads are active, and until the M+1 iteration (M is the maximum triangle hit count), the for loop exits. So... the threads are grouped, to some extent.
Later @Homer512 suggests to replace int8_t tasks[32]
to a bit mask. So here is latest version:
float aabb_tmin = 0;
unsigned int tasks = 0; // 32 bytes
#pragma unroll
for (int idx = 0; idx < remain_prims; idx++) {
// if current ray intersects primitive at [idx], tasks will store it
int valid_intr = s_aabbs[idx].aabb.intersect(ray, aabb_tmin) && (aabb_tmin < min_dist);
tasks |= (valid_intr << idx);
// note that __any_sync here won't work well
#pragma unroll
while (tasks) {
int idx = __ffs(tasks) - 1; // find the first bit that is set to 1, note that __ffs is
tasks &= ~((unsigned int)1 << idx); // clear bit in case it is found again
float dist = variant::apply_visitor(shape_visitor, shapes[cp_base_5 + idx]);
bool valid = dist > EPSILON && dist < min_dist;
min_dist = valid ? dist : min_dist;
min_index = valid ? cp_base_5 + idx : min_index;
return min_dist;
--maxrregcount = 64
to have enough warps on the SMs, the int8_t tasks[32]
might cause more unexpected register spilling, so when this part is replaced, the performance sees further improvements.So whether have I solved the problem of BSYNC
? Maybe not (as there are still some... barrier, and L2 Theoretical Sectors Global Excessive
problem seems pretty severe):
, but anyway, the if
convergence synchronization is no longer the most significant bottleneck and I've really learned a lot. Thanks again @Homer512 for the in-depth followup!