I want all the text in a window I'm generating in PyQT5 to be courier. However, when I add rows to a form layout and add the label roles, these labels do not appear in courier. Here is my code:
self.user_name = QLineEdit(self)
self.user_name.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Courier', 15))
self.password = QLineEdit(self)
self.password.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Courier', 15))
self.form.addRow('username', self.user_name)
self.form.addRow('password', self.password)
From the code, I cannot get the form labels 'username' and 'password' to be in courier. There must be a simple fix, but I am just not finding it. I appreciate anyone taking the time to help! See the following picture and note that 'username' and 'password' are not in courier:
Try something like this:
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets
class MyWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.form = QtWidgets.QFormLayout()
self.vertical = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
self.user_name = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self)
self.user_name.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Courier', 15))
self.password = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self)
self.password.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Courier', 15))
# Create labels with the desired font
username_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('username')
username_label.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Courier', 15))
password_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('password')
password_label.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Courier', 15))
self.form.addRow(username_label, self.user_name)
self.form.addRow(password_label, self.password)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
window = MyWindow()
I get as a result: