Search code examples

Conditional recursive query in SQL Server

I have these 2 tables:


Id Shortname ParentId
C1 Child1 P1
P1 Parent1 GP1
GP1 GrandParent1 NULL
C2 Child2 P2
P2 Parent2 GP1


Id Setting
GP1 5
C2 1

The logic is the following: if we don't find a value for the setting in table 2, we are going up the hierarchy defined in table 1 until we find something.

In the example:

  • if I want the setting for item C2 I will retrieve 1 (direct value of C2)

  • if I want the setting for item C1 I will retrieve 5 (I have nothing in table 2, I'll look to its parent -P1 regarding table 1-, still nothing, I'll look to its parent -GP1-)

  • if I want the setting for item P2,I will retrieve 5 (Parent is GP1)

I have tried to implement a recursive query but without success for the moment, I need help.


So far now, the best I have:

with settings as
    select N.Id,N.ParentId, N.ShortName,DTC.Setting 
    from Table1 as N 
    left join Table2 as DTC on
, RecursiveTable AS (
    SELECT no.Id,ShortName,ParentId,Setting 
    FROM settings as no
    SELECT n.Id,n.ShortName, n.ParentId,n.Setting 
    FROM settings n

    INNER JOIN RecursiveTable rn ON = rn.ParentId
select * from RecursiveTable


  • I added some settings to your example, you can do something like this perhaps:

    ;WITH Table1 AS(
    SELECT  *
    FROM    (
        VALUES  (N'C1', N'Child1', N'P1')
        ,   (N'P1', N'Parent1', N'GP1')
        ,   (N'GP1', N'GrandParent1', NULL)
        ,   (N'C2', N'Child2', N'P2')
        ,   (N'P2', N'Parent2', N'GP1')
    ) t (Id,Shortname,ParentId)
    , table2 AS (
    SELECT  *
    FROM    (
        VALUES  (N'GP1', 5)
        ,   (N'C2', 1)
        ,   (N'C1', 10)
    ) t (Id,Setting)
    , hierarchy AS (
        SELECT  id, shortname, parentid, 1 AS level
        FROM    table1 t
        UNION ALL
        SELECT, h.shortname, t.parentid, h.level + 1
        FROM    hierarchy h
        INNER JOIN table1 t
            ON  t.ID = h.ParentID
    , settings AS (
        SELECT  h.ID, h.shortname, setting.ID AS SettingID, setting.Setting
        ,   ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY h.ID ORDER BY h.level, case when setting.Id = then 0 else 1 end) AS sort
        FROM    hierarchy h
        INNER JOIN table2 setting
            ON  setting.Id IN (, h.parentid)
    SELECT  *
    FROM    settings s
    WHERE   s.sort = 1
    1. I create a hierarchy-CTE of IDs by taking all rows and then going up to their parent and parent's parent ID. A level-column keeps track of where we are in the tree
    2. Then, inside the settings-CTE, we join on the settings "table" by either ID or parentID value, this allows us to fetch all the setting values in the tree.
    3. ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY h.ID ORDER BY h.level, case when setting.Id = then 0 else 1 end) creates a ranking for the setting, since we want it from the closest level, we order it by h.level and then by how it matches against the h.Id or not.
    4. Finally, we retrieve all the settings belonging on the lowest level by doing: WHERE s.sort = 1


    ID shortname SettingID Setting sort
    C1 Child1 C1 10 1
    C2 Child2 C2 1 1
    GP1 GrandParent1 GP1 5 1
    P1 Parent1 GP1 5 1
    P2 Parent2 GP1 5 1