I have these 2 tables:
Id | Shortname | ParentId |
C1 | Child1 | P1 |
P1 | Parent1 | GP1 |
GP1 | GrandParent1 | NULL |
C2 | Child2 | P2 |
P2 | Parent2 | GP1 |
Id | Setting |
GP1 | 5 |
C2 | 1 |
The logic is the following: if we don't find a value for the setting in table 2, we are going up the hierarchy defined in table 1 until we find something.
In the example:
if I want the setting for item C2 I will retrieve 1 (direct value of C2)
if I want the setting for item C1 I will retrieve 5 (I have nothing in table 2, I'll look to its parent -P1 regarding table 1-, still nothing, I'll look to its parent -GP1-)
if I want the setting for item P2,I will retrieve 5 (Parent is GP1)
I have tried to implement a recursive query but without success for the moment, I need help.
So far now, the best I have:
with settings as
select N.Id,N.ParentId, N.ShortName,DTC.Setting
from Table1 as N
left join Table2 as DTC on DTC.Id=N.id
, RecursiveTable AS (
SELECT no.Id,ShortName,ParentId,Setting
FROM settings as no
SELECT n.Id,n.ShortName, n.ParentId,n.Setting
FROM settings n
INNER JOIN RecursiveTable rn ON n.id = rn.ParentId
select * from RecursiveTable
I added some settings to your example, you can do something like this perhaps:
;WITH Table1 AS(
VALUES (N'C1', N'Child1', N'P1')
, (N'P1', N'Parent1', N'GP1')
, (N'GP1', N'GrandParent1', NULL)
, (N'C2', N'Child2', N'P2')
, (N'P2', N'Parent2', N'GP1')
) t (Id,Shortname,ParentId)
, table2 AS (
VALUES (N'GP1', 5)
, (N'C2', 1)
, (N'C1', 10)
) t (Id,Setting)
, hierarchy AS (
SELECT id, shortname, parentid, 1 AS level
FROM table1 t
SELECT h.id, h.shortname, t.parentid, h.level + 1
FROM hierarchy h
INNER JOIN table1 t
ON t.ID = h.ParentID
, settings AS (
SELECT h.ID, h.shortname, setting.ID AS SettingID, setting.Setting
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY h.ID ORDER BY h.level, case when setting.Id = h.id then 0 else 1 end) AS sort
FROM hierarchy h
INNER JOIN table2 setting
ON setting.Id IN (h.id, h.parentid)
FROM settings s
WHERE s.sort = 1
-CTE of IDs by taking all rows and then going up to their parent and parent's parent ID. A level-column keeps track of where we are in the treesettings
-CTE, we join on the settings "table" by either ID or parentID value, this allows us to fetch all the setting values in the tree.ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY h.ID ORDER BY h.level, case when setting.Id = h.id then 0 else 1 end)
creates a ranking for the setting, since we want it from the closest level, we order it by h.level
and then by how it matches against the h.Id
or not.WHERE s.sort = 1
ID | shortname | SettingID | Setting | sort |
C1 | Child1 | C1 | 10 | 1 |
C2 | Child2 | C2 | 1 | 1 |
GP1 | GrandParent1 | GP1 | 5 | 1 |
P1 | Parent1 | GP1 | 5 | 1 |
P2 | Parent2 | GP1 | 5 | 1 |