I am working on a Three.js project where I have a mesh object with a texture applied. The texture is a PNG file with dimensions 64x64.
Problem: When the dimensions of the mesh object change, the texture gets stretched in height and width, which distorts its appearance. I want the texture to maintain its original dimensions (64x64) regardless of the mesh's size.
When the mesh is 64x64
When the mesh is 16x07 (or anything other than NxN)
I have tried looking into texture properties and material settings in Three.js but couldn't find a way to keep the texture dimensions fixed while scaling the mesh.
How can I prevent the texture from stretching and keep it at its original 64x64 size when the mesh dimensions change in Three.js?
Here is how the meshObject & material is created
Material Creation
function _createMaterial(url: string): THREE.MeshBasicMaterial {
let material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial();
this.loader.load(url, (texture) => {
texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter;
material.setValues({ map: texture });
return material;
MeshObject Creation
this._meshObject = new Utils3.myTHREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
The solution provided by Łukasz D. Mastalerz also makes sense, but for my use case, I eliminated the texture approach and used sprites.
Sprite creation:
private static _createSprite(url: string): THREE.Sprite {
let spriteMaterial: THREE.SpriteMaterial = null;
let sprite: THREE.Sprite = new THREE.Sprite(); // Initialize the sprite
this.loader.load(url, (texture) => {
// Create a sprite material with the loaded texture
spriteMaterial = new THREE.SpriteMaterial({ map: texture });
// Assign the material to the sprite
sprite.material = spriteMaterial;
// Set the dimensions of the sprite
sprite.scale.set(32, 32, 1);
// Indicate that the sprite needs an update
sprite.material.needsUpdate = true;
// this.render(); // Uncomment if you need to render the scene after loading the texture
// Return the sprite, even if the texture is not done loading
return sprite;
The line,
// Set the dimensions of the sprite
sprite.scale.set(32, 32, 1);
plays the important role of fitting the image inside the mesh object.
Here is the final result