There are base_table
and value_table
, how to join them according whether category
in mix_category
? Thanks!
base_table <- data.frame(mix_category = c('ABC','WE','CF','Z236'))
# mix_category
# 1 ABC
# 2 WE
# 3 CF
# 4 Z236
value_table <- data.frame(category = c('A','F','W','E','C','2'),
value = c('1','2','3','6','0','-1'))
# category value
# 1 A 1
# 2 F 2
# 3 W 3
# 4 E 6
# 5 C 0
# 6 2 -1
in mix_category
in the first time, then return the first category
and value
variable which in value_table
# mix_category category value
# 1 ABC A 1
# 2 WE W 3
# 3 CF C 0
# 4 Z236 2 -1
in mix_category
, then return the category
and value
variable which in value_table
(if there are more than one returns, combine then into a string with '_'
)# mix_category category value
# 1 ABC A_C 1_0
# 2 WE W_E 3_6
# 3 CF C_F 0_2
# 4 Z236 2 -1
You can split mix_category
column into rows using tidyr::separate_longer_position()
, and then match it to value_table
match_table <- base_table %>%
mutate(category = mix_category) %>%
tidyr::separate_longer_position(category, width = 1) %>%
inner_join(value_table, by = "category")
## Request 1
match_table %>%
slice_head(n = 1, by = mix_category)
# or
match_table %>%
left_join(base_table, ., by = "mix_category", multiple = "first")
# mix_category category value
# 1 ABC A 1
# 2 WE W 3
# 3 CF C 0
# 4 Z236 2 -1
## Request 2
match_table %>%
summarise(across(everything(), ~ paste(.x, collapse = '_')),
.by = mix_category)
# mix_category category value
# 1 ABC A_C 1_0
# 2 WE W_E 3_6
# 3 CF C_F 0_2
# 4 Z236 2 -1
You can also use fuzzy joins supported by {powerjoin}
match_table <- power_left_join(base_table, value_table,
by = c(~ stringr::str_detect(.x$mix_category, .y$category)))
## Request 1
match_table %>%
slice_head(n = 1, by = mix_category)
# mix_category category value
# 1 ABC A 1
# 2 WE W 3
# 3 CF F 2
# 4 Z236 2 -1
## Request 2
match_table %>%
summarise(across(everything(), ~ paste(.x, collapse = '_')),
.by = mix_category)
# mix_category category value
# 1 ABC A_C 1_0
# 2 WE W_E 3_6
# 3 CF F_C 2_0
# 4 Z236 2 -1