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route the url in MVC

I have this path

In view

  <img src="PhotoDisplay.ashx?photoid=12&size=medium" alt="Image with no resize"/>

I want to route the source url to an action . I must need to use this url format because i am rebuilding a site .so i want to make all the links alive in new site too. In global.asax i added the rout like shown below

          "PhotoDisplay", "PhotoDisplay.ashx?photoid={photoID}&size={size}",
          new { controller = "Images", action = "PhotoDisplay", photoid= "",size="" }

But its giving error while compiling .How can i map route for that kind of url


  • Query string parameters should not be defined in a route. Try like this:

        new { controller = "Images", action = "PhotoDisplay" }

    and the controller action:

    public ActionResult PhotoDisplay(string photoid, string size)