Search code examples

mysql data cannot be queried using go gorm

I use gorm to count qps of mysql, but the query data is always empty. The program did not report any errors, and I could have used similar code to get my own test table data.

My code

type mysqlQueires struct {
    Queries sql.NullString `gorm:"column:queries"`
    Uptime  sql.NullString `gorm:"column:uptime"`

type attendees struct {
    Id            sql.NullString `gorm:"column:id"`
    Created_at    sql.NullString `gorm:"column:created_at"`
    Updated_at    sql.NullString `gorm:"column:updated_at"`
    Deleted_at    sql.NullString `gorm:"column:deleted_at"`
    Attendee_user sql.NullString `gorm:"column:attendee_user"`
    Meeting_id    sql.NullString `gorm:"column:meeting_id"`

func (n *Node) GetDB() *gorm.DB {
    return n.db.Session(&gorm.Session{})

func (n *Node) GetQps() (int64, error) {
    sys := []mysqlQueires{}

    rawQueries := "show global status where variable_name in ('queries','uptime')"
    result := n.GetDB().Raw(rawQueries).Scan(&sys)
    if result.Error != nil {
        xlog.Error("query variable_name error", "get qps", false, "err=", result.Error)
        return -1, result.Error
    if result.RowsAffected == 0 {
        xlog.Error("query variable_name result 0", "get qps", false)
        return -1, fmt.Errorf("query variable_name result 0")

    //[{{ false} { false}} {{ false} { false}}]

    var variable sql.NullString
    n.GetDB().Raw("SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Questions'").Scan(&variable)
    //sql: expected 2 destination arguments in Scan, not 1
    //{ false}

    var ttt []attendees
    n.GetDB().Raw("select * from attendees").Scan(&ttt)
    //[{{1 true} { false} { false} { false} { false} {1111 true}}]

    return 0, nil

I used dsn is "root:rootPwd@tcp(localhost:3306)/test_example". The same command can be used to retrieve data using cmd and DBeaver. May I ask if there is a problem with my mysql configuration or the go code needs to be corrected?


  • It seems your mysqlQueries struct properties are not suitable for the output of the show global status command.

    Mysql documentation shows result as follows;

    | Variable_name            | Value      |
    | Aborted_clients          | 0          |
    | Aborted_connects         | 0          |
    | Bytes_received           | 155372598  |
    | Bytes_sent               | 1176560426 |
    | Connections              | 30023      |
    | Created_tmp_disk_tables  | 0          |
    | Created_tmp_tables       | 8340       |
    | Created_tmp_files        | 60         |
    | Open_tables              | 1          |
    | Open_files               | 2          |
    | Open_streams             | 0          |
    | Opened_tables            | 44600      |
    | Questions                | 2026873    |
    | Table_locks_immediate    | 1920382    |
    | Table_locks_waited       | 0          |
    | Threads_cached           | 0          |
    | Threads_created          | 30022      |
    | Threads_connected        | 1          |
    | Threads_running          | 1          |
    | Uptime                   | 80380      |

    According to that info, you should change the mysqlQueries struct as follows;

    type mysqlQueries struct {
        VariableName string `gorm:"column:variable_name"`
        Value  int `gorm:"column:value"`

    And while sending that raw show global status query,

        var records []mysqlQueries
        n.GetDB().Raw("SHOW GLOBAL STATUS").Scan(&records)

    It should map the actual values inside that slice.