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pythonobject-detectionyoloultralytics generates error during prediction

Based on following site: prediction based on yolo

I have implemented the following code:

from ultralytics import YOLO

# Build a YOLOv6n model from scratch
model = YOLO("")
results = model("human.png")

# Display the results

where human.png is image like this: enter image description here

but it generates such error:

AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'SCDown' on <module 'ultralytics.nn.modules.block' from 'C:\\Users\\User\\PycharmProjects\\Artificial_Inteligence\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\ultralytics\\nn\\modules\\'>

I have uninstalled and installed ultralytics again, but still getting same error.


  • Install yolov10 git repository by using this command:

    pip install git+

    Also install huggingface-hub by using this command:

    pip install huggingface-hub

    These installations resolve this error.