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Query to create new data column with alphabetical concatenating the data

I'm not trying to eliminate the null values from table, so it's not duplicate of link [][1]

How can I get result like OUTPUT table to be queried from original table?

I want to set the column values in alphabetical order and concatenate them as new column value.

Original table:

clsID   stdID   c1      c2      c3      
cls1    10      HE      HQ      UA      
cls1    11      HQ      H1      UA      

cls2    20      HG      AB      NULL    
cls2    21      H2      HQ      UA      
cls2    22      NULL    HQ      UA      

cls3    30      HG      AB      NULL    
cls3    31      HQ      GH      UA      
cls3    32      NULL    HQ      UA      
cls3    33      NULL    null    null    

In my output, I need to concatenate the columns stdId, c1, c2, c3, c4 and keep the new value as new column concatenatedvalue.

Resulting table:

clsID   concatenatedvalue   stdID   c1      c2      c3      
cls1    10-HE-HQ-UA         10      HE      HQ      UA      
cls1    11-H1-HQ-UA         11      HQ      H1      UA      

cls2    20-AB-HG            20      HG      AB      NULL    
cls2    21-H2-HQ-UA         21      H2      HQ      UA      
cls2    22-HQ-UA            22      NULL    HQ      UA      

cls3    30-AB-HG            30      HG      AB      NULL    
cls3    31-GH-HQ-UA         31      HQ      GH      UA      
cls3    32-HQ-UA            32      NULL    HQ      UA      
cls3    33                  33      NULL    null    null    


  • Since you need the concatenated value to be alphabetized, it would help to unpivot your data first and then string_agg() your data back together.

    WITH unioncte (
       SELECT clsid, stdid,  c1 as col from table
       SELECT clsid, stdid, c2 from table
       SELECT clsID, stdID, c3 from table
    SELECT unioncte.clsid, 
       CONCAT(stdID, STRING_AGG(col, '-') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY col) as concatinatedvalue,
    FROM unioncte
       INNER JOIN table as t1 
          ON unioncte.clsid = t1.clsid 
             AND unioncte.stdid = t1.stdid
    GROUP BY clsid, stdid, c1, c2, c3