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CherryPy / Mako path issue with %include on Linux (works on Windows)

I have an application with the following files


In I load and render a mako template. The template file is page.html in the html directory. That page contains contains a line:

     <%include file="../js/page.js" />

which is intended to find and include the appropriate page of javascript (after performing mako substitutions on that file). This works fine on my Windows development machine but when I deploy to a Ubuntu linux server for further testing it throws the error: TemplateLookupException: Template uri "../js/fund_page.js" is invalid - it cannot be relative outside of the root path.

changing the include to make it absolute to the application root:

     <%include file="/js/page.js" />

doesn't help, that returns the message: TemplateLookupException: Cant locate template for uri u'/js/fund_page.js'.

What change is necessary to be able to use this mako include on Linux, and is it possible to express it in a fashion that will be compatible with both Windows and Linux?


  • I solved this problem using the simple expedient of moving the included js file into the same directory as the html file that calls it.