I'm trying to get a Mathematica example working. It's the one on Theo Gray's blog.
I think that Mathematica must have changed since he wrote that code (May 2008), since I'm unable to get anything reasonable out of it, despite changing nearly everything. Do I use ImageData instead of Import? Can anyone suggest a version of this code that works for Mathematica 8?
imagePool =
Map[With[{i = Import[#]}, {i, Mean[Flatten[N[i[[1, 1]]], 1]]}] &,
closeMatch[c_] :=
RandomChoice[Take[SortBy[imagePool, Norm[c - #[[2]]] &], 20]][[1]];
Map[closeMatch, Import["MendeleevIcon.tif"][[1, 1]], {2}]],
Spacings -> {0, 0}]
The following works (Thanks to @yoda for pointing out the Reverse[]
thing in the comments):
f = FileNames["*.jpg", {"c:\\test\\pool\\Pool"}];
m = Import["c:\\test\\pool\\Pool\\MendeleevIcon.tif"];
imagePool =
With[{i = Import[#]},
{i, Mean[Flatten[ImageData@i, 1]]}] &, f];
closeMatch[c_] :=
RandomChoice[Take[SortBy[imagePool, Norm[c - #[[2]]] &], 20]][[1]];
Grid[Map[closeMatch, ImageData@m, {2}], Spacings -> {0, 0}]