I'm using SQLModel
for an API.
I want the object to be like this:
class Post(SQLModel):
id: int
categories: list[str] # category.name
instead of nested objects:
class Post(SQLModel):
id: int
categories: list[Category]
Do I have to change the serialization function or is there a way to do this automatically?
As far as I understood Post
is your db model. I would highly recommend to separate you db model (should reflect the database structure) from dto (should be used for comfortable data transfer between application components)
class PostDTO(pydantic.BaseModel):
id: int
categories: list[str]
def from_db_model(cls, model: Post) -> "PostDTO":
"""Build Post DTO based on db model."""
return cls(
categories=[category.name for category in model.categories]
post = Post(...)
post_dto = PostDTO.from_db_model(model=post)
Don't be afraid to create an extra object if it makes your code more scalable, readable and logical!