I need to hash with md5 algorithm a string in my program. There is the lib openssl but I'm a newbie about it. How is possible hash a string using that and where I can find a good doc that teach me how to use this lib, also with other function like aes?
I've tried this code:
int main()
unsigned char result[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
const unsigned char* str;
str = (unsigned char*)"hello";
unsigned int long_size = 100;
But the compiler told me:
undefined reference to MD5
Why is there and undefined reference to MD5
You should take a look at the documentation. An option is to use this function:
#include <openssl/md5.h>
unsigned char *MD5(const unsigned char *d,
unsigned long n,
unsigned char *md);
To which they state:
MD2(), MD4(), and MD5() compute the MD2, MD4, and MD5 message digest of the
bytes atd
and place it inmd
(which must have space for MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH == MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH == MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH == 16 bytes of output). Ifmd
is NULL, the digest is placed in a static array.
As for AES, if you also want to use OpenSSL, then take a look at EVP doc and this example of how to use it. Just note that you have to add
#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16
In the top of the file for it to work, though.
Btw. I can really recommend the Crypto++ library since it's great and has all kinds of cryptographic primitives; AES, Elliptic Curves, MAC, public-key crypto and so on.