I have a React app that connects to a WebSocket using react-use-websocket
. Messages are received asynchronously, processed by receiveHandler
and then the socketMessages
state is updated with the response. Sample code:
import useWebSocket from 'react-use-websocket';
const [socketMessages, setSocketMessages] = useState([])
const { lastJsonMessage } = useWebSocket(path);
useEffect(() => {
const processedResponse = receiveHandler(lastMessage)
setSocketMessages([...socketMessages, processedResponse])
}, [lastMessage]);
const receiveHandler = (lastMessage) =< {
// do receive processing on lastMessage
return processedLastMessage
My issue is that messages are sometimes arriving in quick succession and new state updates are happening before existing updates are finished, causing messages to get lost.
Is there a simple way to handle this within the native functionality? Or, do i need a module to implement some form of queue?
I think you can achieve that using UseRef()
and setTimeOut()
with function to check if your value is updated.
This should do the purpose:
import React, {useState, useEffect, useRef} from 'react';
import useWebSocket from 'react-use-websocket';
const WebSocketComponent = ({path}) =>{
const [socketMessage, setSocketMessage] = useState([]);
const {lastJsonMessage} = useWebSocket(path);
const messageQueue = useRef([])
const processingQueue = useRef(false)
const recieveHandler = (message) =>{
// process the received message
// implement your message processing logic here ..
return processedMessage;
const processQueue = () => {
if(processingQueue.current || messageQueue.current.Length ===0){
processQueue.current = true;
const processNextMessage = () => {
if(messageQueue.current.Length === 0){
processingQueue.current = false;
const nextMessage = messageQueue.current.shift();
const processedMessage = receiveHandler(nextMessage);
setSocketMessage((prevMessage)=>[...prevMessages, processedMessage]);
// schedule the next message to be processed after the state update:
setTimeout(processNextMessage, 0);
I didn't run the code in vsc so please let me know if it worked.