I get this exception:
Objective-C exception thrown.
Name: NSInternalconsistencyException
Reason: - [UIViewController_loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the "TestRunnerViewController_iPad" nib but the view outlet was not set.
Sure enough, if I inspect the iPhone view I created first, I can see this:
But, in the one that crashes, an iPad view for the same controller that I added manually, this outlet does not exist, and I can't figure out how to add it. I've looked under File's Owner, same place where I found the outlet on the working view, but I can't figure out where to drag the "new referencing outlet" connector, it doesn't seem to link up with anything:
So, the question is simple. How do I add the required view outlet to my new view?
Note that I'm using MonoTouch/MonoDevelop, but since this is a question related to Xcode Interface Builder 4, I doubt that is relevant.
Have you set the class type for File's Owner?