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Pytest Playwright: How to use same page instance of the browser, yielded by a fixture, across all test methods in single test class

Example structure of the test framework is following: every test class is one big E2E scenario, e.g. test product purchase, and every test method in it should be a step of this scenario with it's own asserts, e.g. log in -> add product -> fill checkout data -> make purchase. So i want to provide browser instance for a given class and then create single page to use it, but i have a problem to handle it across test methods

here is browser fixture from

def browser(request):
    with sync_playwright() as playwright:
        browser = playwright.firefox.launch()
        yield browser

here is example test class:

class TestCart:
    #load_test_data is fixture that provide some data from input setup file
    def setup_data(self, load_test_data, browser: Browser):
        self.base_url = load_test_data['base_url']
        self.standard_user_data = load_test_data['test_users']['standard'] = browser.new_page()

    def test_login(self):"#user-name").fill(self.standard_user_data['username'])"#password").fill(self.standard_user_data['password'])"#login-button").click()

    def test_add_product(self):'.shopping_cart_link').click()

Once test_login is finished, new empty browser with empty page starts for the test_add_product execution, while old one left hanging on the background.

I can't fgure out, why it starts new browser and new page instead of using one that is created in setup_data? Is it mismatched/missing scope of fixtures somewhere or the whole setup to be redone? What is the best solution for such flows? Thanks.


  • Don't create a fixture in the class. Set up the page base URL and the test data outside. Also, I would recommend creating a proxy fixture with the function scope to reset the page state after each test to make them more independent.

    import pytest
    def fix_cls():
        data = []
        assert len(data) == 0
        yield data
        assert len(data) == 3
    def fix_func(fix_cls):
        # reset the data, reload the page
        yield fix_cls
        print('------>', fix_cls)
    class TestCls:
        def test_a1(self, fix_func):
        def test_a2(self, fix_func):
        def test_a3(self, fix_func):

    If the tests must be sequential (even if it is not recommended), use the following advice:

    1. Use the pytest-ordering Plugin+
    2. Use Alphabetical Naming Convention: test_1, test_2, test_3, etc