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Tool for conversion of multi-lined Bash scripts to a single line

From my understanding, it is possible to convert any bash script into a single line by inserting semi-colons at the end of each line of code and removing the new-line.

Firstly - am I correct in this assumption?

Secondly, are there any tools/scripts that do this function automatically?

Note: I do not want to change any command in the Bash script, not optimize to change to pipe-based commands, nothing. Keep it as is, and be able to run it. This is a unique situation in which I must have it in a single line no matter what.

I have tried looking online, over Google or GitHub, but was left empty-handed.


  • am I correct in this assumption?

    No. Not every newline can be replaced by ;. Counterexample:

    if true; then
       echo 1
    cmd1 &&
    # comment

    can be converted to:

    if true; then echo 1; fi; cmd1 && cmd2

    There is no semicolon after then. There is no semicolon after &&. Additionally comments and empty lines.

    are there any tools/scripts that do this function automatically?

    I am not aware of any. Additionally, I see no value in doing that.

    Any script can be converted to a single line by using base64 and then decoding.

    oneline=$(base64 -w0 <
    base64 -d <<<"$oneline" | bash