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Swagger support for Google authentication in ASP.NET Core

I have an core api project and I want to be able to authenticate via google inside swagger. This is how I add the authentication services:


This is the options setup class for "AuthenticationOptions":

public sealed class AuthenticationOptionsSetup
    : IConfigureOptions<AuthenticationOptions>
    public void Configure(AuthenticationOptions options)
        options.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
        options.DefaultChallengeScheme = GoogleDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;

The options setup class for "GoogleOptions":

public sealed class GoogleOptionsSetup(IConfiguration configuration)
    : IConfigureNamedOptions<GoogleOptions>
    public void Configure(GoogleOptions options)
        options.ClientId = configuration[GoogleOAuthSettings.ClientIdName]!;
        options.ClientSecret = configuration[GoogleOAuthSettings.ClientSecretName]!;
        options.SaveTokens = true;

    public void Configure(string? name, GoogleOptions options) => Configure(options);

The configuration of my "SwaggerGenOptions":

    new OpenApiSecurityScheme
        Type = SecuritySchemeType.OAuth2,
        Flows = new()
            AuthorizationCode = new()
                AuthorizationUrl = new(GoogleDefaults.AuthorizationEndpoint),
                TokenUrl = new(GoogleDefaults.TokenEndpoint),
                Scopes = GoogleOAuthSettings.Scopes

        new OpenApiSecurityScheme
            Reference = new OpenApiReference
                Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme,
                Id = SecurityDefinitionName
        new List<string>()


And the "AuthorizationOperationFilter" class:

public sealed class AuthorizationOperationFilter : IOperationFilter
    private const string SecurityDefinitionName = "google_auth";

    public void Apply(OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
        operation.Responses.Add("401", new OpenApiResponse { Description = "Unauthorized" });
        operation.Responses.Add("403", new OpenApiResponse { Description = "Forbidden" });

        operation.Security = new List<OpenApiSecurityRequirement>
                    new OpenApiSecurityScheme
                        Reference = new OpenApiReference
                            Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme,
                            Id = SecurityDefinitionName
                    new List<string>()

Also, this is my swagger UI options:

options.OAuthScopes([.. GoogleOAuthSettings.Scopes.Keys]);

The problem is when I click the "Authorize" button in swagger page, I am redirected to google login page and after that, redirected back to my swagger page and everything seems to be working. Now, if I call a protected api via clicking the "Execute" button on swagger page, it returns "Undocumented, but if I enter the address of that api in my search bar and hit enter, The api is called properly and I am authorized. enter image description here As shown in the capture, I am apparently authorized but it does not work. What am I missing ?


  • So, I finally learned what was wrong with my approach. First of all, Apparently, swagger extracts the access token by default, not the ID token which is a JWT and the one I need. Also, in my case which is a web application that will eventually have a front-end, fetching the ID token is the responsibility of front-end as there are available tools and libraries apparently provided by google to achieve this. So now, instead of worrying about google authentication, I added regular JWT authentication to my APIs and my login API that allows anonymous, simply receives a JWT ID token from query and uses it to issue it's own JWT.