I have a simple (but performance critical) algorithm in C (embedded in C++) to manipulate a data buffer... the algorithm 'naturally' uses 64-bit big-endian register values - and I'd like to optimise this using assembler to gain direct access to the carry flag and BSWAP and, hence, avoid having to manipulate the 64-bit values one byte at a time.
I want the solution to be portable between OS/Compilers - minimally supporting GNU g++ and Visual C++ - and between Linux and Windows respectively. For both platforms, obviously, I'm assuming a processor that supports the x86-64 instruction set.
I've found this document about inline assembler for MSVC/Windows, and several fragments via Google detailing an incompatible syntax for g++. I accept that I might need to implement this functionality separately in each dialect. I've not been able to find sufficiently detailed documentation on syntax/facilities to tackle this development.
What I'm looking for is clear documentation detailing the facilities available to me - both with MS and GNU tool sets. While I wrote some 32-bit assembler many years ago, I'm rusty - I'd benefit from a concise document detailing facilities are available at an assembly level.
A further complication is that I'd like to compile for windows using the Visual C++ Express Edition 2010... I recognise that this is a 32-bit compiler - but, I wondered, is it possible to embed 64-bit assembly into its executables? I only care about 64-bit performance in the section I plan to hand-code.
Can anyone offer any pointers (please pardon the pun...)?
Just to give you a taste of the obstacles that lie in your path, here is a simple inline assembler function, in two dialects. First, the Borland C++ Builder version (I think this compiles under MSVC++ too):
int BNASM_AddScalar (DWORD* result, DWORD x)
int carry = 0 ;
mov ebx,result
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,x
add [ebx],ecx
adc carry,eax // Return the carry flag
return carry ;
Now, the g++ version:
int BNASM_AddScalar (DWORD* result, DWORD x)
int carry = 0 ;
asm volatile (
" addl %%ecx,(%%edx)\n"
" adcl $0,%%eax\n" // Return the carry flag
: "+a"(carry) // Output (and input): carry in eax
: "d"(result), "c"(x) // Input: result in edx and x in ecx
) ;
return carry ;
As you can see, the differences are major. And there is no way around them. These are from a large integer arithmetic library that I wrote for a 32-bit environment.
As for embedding 64-bit instructions in a 32-bit executable, I think this is forbidden. As I understand it, a 32-bit executable runs in 32-bit mode, any 64-bit instruction just generates a trap.