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Windsor Ioc Service Overrides: There is a component already registered for the given key

I have been trying to configure Windsor to provide a different implementation for a service depending on which class is being constrcuted:

I have read this

and asked this yesterday Windsor Ioc container: How to register that certain constructors take different implementation of an interface

The answer to that question works correctly when I resolve the class directly, but not when it is in an object graph a few levels deep, and the class I want to override is used as a default implementation of another interface in a different registration


I have 2 MVC controllers. One for logging and one for cardpayments. The logging one takes a logging provider which in turn takes an IService. The CardPaymentController takes a card payment provider which in turn takes an IService. The CardPaymentProvider should get a secure service and the logging provider a normal service

code is below:



Class hierarchy:

 public LoggingController(ILoggingProvider loggingProvider)
            this.loggingProvider = loggingProvider;

 public CardPaymentController(ICardPaymentProvider cardPaymentProvider)
            this.cardPaymentProvider = cardPaymentProvider;

    public interface IService
        void Doit();
    public class WebService : IService
        public void Doit()
            throw new NotImplementedException();
    public class SecureWebService : IService
        public void Doit()
            throw new NotImplementedException();
    public class CardPaymentProvider : ICardPaymentProvider
        private readonly IService service;
        public CardPaymentProvider(IService service)
            this.service = service;
    public interface ICardPaymentProvider
    public class LoggingProvider : ILoggingProvider
        private readonly IService service;
        public LoggingProvider(IService service)
            this.service = service;
    public interface ILoggingProvider

This produces an error on start up:

"There is a component already registered for the given key Spike.CardPaymentProvider"

If I add Named("somename") to either the CardPaymentProvider registration or the ICardPaymentProvider registration, then it starts OK, but doesn't provide a secure implementation of the service to the CardPaymentProvider - just a normal version.

What am I doing wrong?


  • You have to define the service overrides in the same registration. Instead of:


