I have a Api method PATCH like this
public async Task<IActionResult>UpdateCity(int id, [FromBody] JsonPatchDocument<CityUpdateDto> patchDoc)
var cityFromRepo = await _citiesRepository.GetCityById(id);
var cityToPatch = _mapper.Map<CityUpdateDto>(cityFromRepo);
Action<JsonPatchError> errorAction = error =>{ ModelState.AddModelError(error.Operation.path, error.ErrorMessage);};
patchDoc.ApplyTo(cityToPatch, errorAction);
//this line below
_mapper.Map(cityToPatch, cityFromRepo);
await _citiesRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
return Ok("Done update");
This was original method and it is updating the data.
but id i change the code to
public async Task<IActionResult>UpdateCity(int id, [FromBody] JsonPatchDocument<CityUpdateDto> patchDoc)
var cityFromRepo = await _citiesRepository.GetCityById(id);
var cityToPatch = _mapper.Map<CityUpdateDto>(cityFromRepo);
Action<JsonPatchError> errorAction = error =>{ ModelState.AddModelError(error.Operation.path, error.ErrorMessage);};
patchDoc.ApplyTo(cityToPatch, errorAction);
//changed here
await _citiesRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
return Ok("Done update");
now my patch method is not working.
I want to know the reason and a explanation
_mapper.Map(cityToPatch, cityFromRepo);
mapper.map(T Source,T Destination)
_mapper.Map<City> (cityFromRepo);
mapper.Map<T Destination> (T Source);
plese tell me a detailed answer.
One returns a new instance of the destination type and the other will map into an existing instance.
The most common usage is to return a new instance, for example:
var source = new FooSource
MyProperty = 123
var destination = mapper.Map<FooDestination>(source);
However, if you already have an instance you can map properties into that:
var source = new FooSource
MyProperty = 123
var destination = new FooDestination();
// Output: 0
mapper.Map(source, destination);
// Output: 123
Note that the latter overload will also return the same object, for example:
var destination1 = new FooDestination();
var destination2 = mapper.Map(source, destination);
Console.WriteLine(object.ReferenceEquals(destination1, destination2));
// True