I have the same articleForm.vue to update and create a new article, depending on if I want to create or update an article I access the vuex store like this.
async function createArticle(article: any) {
await store.dispatch('articles/CREATE_ARTICLE', article)
async function updateArticle(article: any) {
await store.dispatch('articles/UPDATE_ARTICLE', article)
on the articles.ts store I create the article liks this:
async CREATE_ARTICLE(context: {
commit: (arg0: string, arg1: any) => void
state: { articles: any; article: any }
}) {
context.commit('reset_article', context.state.articles)
const url = '/api/articles/'
// await axiosClient.get("/sanctum/csrf-cookie");
const resposnse = await axiosClient.post('/api/save-article/', context.state.article)
return resposnse
and update it like this:
async UPDATE_ARTICLE(context: {
commit: (arg0: string, arg1: any) => void
state: { articles: any; article: { id: string } }
}) {
context.commit('reset_article', context.state.articles)
const url = '/api/articles/'
// await axiosClient.get('/sanctum/csrf-cookie');
await axiosClient.put(url + context.state.article.id, context.state.article)
the first one creating an article throws an CORS error,
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://end.example.com/api/articles/' from origin 'https://example.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request.
Where which the update requst
works fine.
also another request creating a category like so:
.post("/api/categories", category.value)
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
console.log("not success", err);
Works fine. I'm Using vue 3, composition api, setup syntax and typescript. Also tried with options api with nuxt, save problem. The backend is Laravel 11, also tried with laravel 9 same issues.
So ultimately it was just a / on the axios URL that was cousing it all along
wrong: with the trailing forward slash
const resposnse = await axiosClient.post('/api/save-article/', context.state.article)
Right: Without the trailing forward slash
const resposnse = await axiosClient.post('/api/save-article', context.state.article)