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Excel Formula to Stack a Variable Number of Variable-Length Arrays with Conditional Spacing

Given a list of sequential, variable-length (rx1) arrays, dynamically stack the arrays (vertically) such that they follow a particular set of rules -- ordered first by the Order column in the States Table then by the Order column in the Classifications Table; skip 1 space after a change in class and 2 spaces after a change in State; ignore blanks; work around control panel column supplemental rules in output range (example output 1).

Demo of Workbook

The objective is to produce the output shown here, as an array: enter image description here

The file can be downloaded here. Thank you!

Edit: Solved it. Updated data file with solution.


  • Given that I've solved it, I figured I'd publicly inter this pitiful, twice-downvoted question with the solution and some interesting findings.

    This took a variety of helper functions to first process the array, iterate through it column by column, then process it again.

    The first:

    SHORTEN = 
    lambda(_arr, [_applyToArr],
            _applyTo, IF(ISOMITTED(_applyToArr), _arr, _applyToArr),
                BYCOL(_arr, LAMBDA(a, IF(LEN(CONCAT(a))<>0,TRUE,FALSE)))
    • This takes a 2D array and returns the same 2D array with empty columns omitted. Optionally, it can also take a second array, 2D or otherwise, and apply the reduction of columns based off of the same results to that array instead.

    Example 1

    The second:

    LAMBDA(_arr, _header, _StatesTable, _ClassTable,
            _reducedArray, SHORTEN(_arr),
            _reducedHeader, SHORTEN(_arr, _header), 
                            CHOOSECOLS(_StatesTable, 2), CHOOSECOLS(_StatesTable, 1), 
                                CHOOSECOLS(_ClassTable, 2), CHOOSECOLS(_ClassTable, 1), "Err", 0, 1)
                        , 0, 1)
            _stackedArray, VSTACK(_rankedHeader, _reducedArray),
            _sortedArray, SORTBY(_stackedArray, TAKE(_stackedArray, 1), 1, TAKE(DROP(_stackedArray, 1), 1), 1),
            return, _sortedArray, 
    • This function first calls SHORTEN()
    • It then converts a 2xc cartesian product header into an ordinal ascending output, stacked above its corresponding data.

    Example 2

    The third:

    LAMBDA(_arr, _header, _StatesTable, _ClassTable,
            _processedArray, PROCESSARRAY(_arr, _header, _StatesTable, _ClassTable), 
            _processedHeader, TAKE(_processedArray, 2),
            _processedArrayBody, DROP(_processedArray, 2),
            _rng, COLUMNS(_processedArray), 
            _seq, SEQUENCE(_rng, 1),
                    REDUCE("", _seq, 
                            IF(v = 1, ENTITYSTACKER_INNER(INDEX(_processedArray,,v)),
                                HSTACK(a, ENTITYSTACKER_INNER(INDEX(_processedArray,,v), INDEX(_processedHeader,,v-1)))
            _stackedArray, TOCOL(_combinedArray, 2, TRUE),
            return, _stackedArray,
    • This function first calls PROCESSARRAY()
    • It then traverses through the 2D array column by column, sending each to ENTITYSTACKER_INNER to apply conditional functions.
    • Finally, it vertically stacks the output, ignoring NA()s but keeping blanks.

    Example 3

    The fourth:

    LAMBDA(_currCol, [_priorCol], 
            _currColRank, TAKE(_currCol, 1),
            _priorColRank, IF(ISOMITTED(_priorCol), NA(), TAKE(_priorCol, 1)), 
            _currColBody, FILTER(DROP(_currCol, 2), DROP(_currCol, 2)<>"", ""),
                IF(ISOMITTED(_priorCol), _currColBody, 
                    IF(_currColRank = _priorColRank,
                        VSTACK({""}, _currColBody), VSTACK({""}, {""}, _currColBody)
            return, _curColPaddedBody, 
    • Using the now-ordinal rankings, this function pads each column with either one (to indicate a shift in rank 2) or two (to indicate a shift in rank 1) empty cells. Given that the function is called by it's parent ENTITYSTACKER(), the output is embedded in the image above.

    And finally, the fifth:

    LAMBDA(_arr, _controls, 
            _totalSkips, COUNTIF(_controls, "S"),
            _seq, SEQUENCE(ROWS(_arr)),
            _fullSeq, SEQUENCE(SUM(_totalSkips, TAKE(_seq, -1))),
                REDUCE("", _fullSeq,
                            _minV, MIN(v, TAKE(_seq, -1)),
                            _skips, COUNTIF(TAKE(_controls, v), "S"),
                            _index, v - _skips,
                            IF(v = 1,  
                                IFS(INDEX(_controls, v) = "S", "",
                                    INDEX(_controls, v) = "O", "", 
                                    TRUE, INDEX(_arr, _index)),
                                IFS(INDEX(_controls, v) = "S", VSTACK(a, ""),
                                    INDEX(_controls, v) = "O", VSTACK(a, ""), 
                                    TRUE, VSTACK(a, INDEX(_arr, _index)))
            return, _output, 
    • This final function is perhaps the most interesting. It inserts spaces into a vertical array based on specified controls in the corresponding cells of a "control panel" array. In this case, "S" indicates skip, "O" indicates omit, and any other cell value has no impact on the array.

    Example 4

    The final formula for the example file reads as such:
