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Struggling with binding table from ADO.Net Database model to ComboBox which is inside the ListView at WPF application

I am writing simple Task-management system for my graduation project, and stuck with binding SQL table data to ComboBox element which is contained inside GridView, which in order is contained inside ListView element. I am using .Net framework instead of .NET, so I used ADO.NET EDM to create database model.

Here's the XAML Code:

<ListView x:Name="EmployeesListView" Grid.Row="1">
            <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Employee_Name}" Header="Employee Name"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Status">
                        <ComboBox x:Name="ComboBoxLOL" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Status_Name}"/>

I tried to bind table via "x:Name", but it didn't worked out. I'll continue finding solution, just posted a question here if somebody was stuck with similliar problem.


  • So I found solution finally. I created simple class that contains Name of employee, his status ID, And list of statuses that should be shown in Combobox, then I created object based on this class, and used it as ItemsSource for ListView. To choose which value should be selected in ComboBox I used SelectedIndex property and just subtracted 1 from it, SelectedItem and SelectedValue didn't worked for some reason. The solution isn't perfect but pretty much working. Here's The XAML code:

    <ListView x:Name="EmployeesListView" Margin="5" Grid.Row="1" >
            <GridViewColumn Header="Сотрудник" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Employee_Name}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Статус">
                        <ComboBox Width="Auto" ItemsSource="{Binding Employee_Statuses}" SelectedIndex="{Binding Employee_Status}">
                                    <Label Content="{Binding Status_Name}"/>

    And there's the C# code behind it:

    namespace TimeTrackerGaleev.Pages

    { public partial class EmployeesPage : Page { public EmployeesPage() { InitializeComponent();

            List<Employees> employees = DBCore.DB.Employees.ToList();
            List<EmployeeStatuses> status = DBCore.DB.EmployeeStatuses.ToList();
            List<EmployeeTable> employeesTable = new List<EmployeeTable>();
            EmployeeTable employee = new EmployeeTable();
            foreach (Employees person in employees)
                employee.Employee_Name = person.Employee_Name;
                employee.Employee_Statuses = status;
                employee.Employee_Status = person.Employee_Status - 1;
            EmployeesListView.ItemsSource = employeesTable;
            DataContext = this;
    public class EmployeeTable
        public string Employee_Name { get; set; }
        public List<EmployeeStatuses> Employee_Statuses { get; set; }
        public int Employee_Status { get; set; }
