I have a requirement to split a string based on a delimiter and to pull the values based on their ordinals. As I am on SQL Server 2019, I cannot use String_Split with ordinal enabled. Trying to replicate the same functionality using below STRING_SPLIT and Row_Number() query.
select *, row_number() over(order by (select null)) as seq
from (
FROM STRING_SPLIT(CurrentPath, '/') where value <> ''
) t
My question is, when using select null along with order by clause and string_split, will the order of values be deterministic? I need to preserve the order in which values are returned by string_split function. Any pointers?
Since you are 2019, you could use a bit of JSON.
Here [key] is your sequence
Declare @YourTable Table ([ID] varchar(50),[CurrentPath] varchar(50)) Insert Into @YourTable Values
Select A.ID
from @YourTable A
Cross Apply OpenJSON( '["'+replace([CurrentPath],'\','","')+'"]' ) B
ID key value
1 0 aa
1 1 bb
1 2 cc
2 0 aa
2 1 bb
2 2 cc
2 3 dd