I am trying to use the go version of yq to produce markdown from a json array.
Given the following json array:
{ "en": "cat", "fr": "chat" },
{ "en": "dog", "fr": "chien" },
{ "en": "fish", "fr": "poisson" }
I want to convert to markdown something like:
> cat
- chat
> dog
- chien
> fish
- poisson
I have tried various pipes but all I can come up with does not produce the desired outcome
yq -r '"> " + .[].en, .[].fr' test.json
[WARNING] 10:37:36 JSON file output is now JSON by default (instead of yaml). Use '-oy' or '--output-format=yaml' for yaml output
> cat
> dog
> fish
You are using .[]
twice, and each (sequentially run) iteration just extracts one of the parts needed. Iterate once, and extract both values in one go.
Using jqlang/jq or kislyuk/yq:
.[] | "> " + .en, " - " + .fr
For mikefarah/yq, make it one filter by concatenating with \n
to keep the (iterated) context:
.[] | "> " + .en + "\n - " + .fr
> cat
- chat
> dog
- chien
> fish
- poisson