I have a pydantic (v2) model containing some fields with default values. I would like on some occasions for these models to be used in a "strict mode" where the default values are no longer available and every field must be supplied when using model_validate.
Is there an easy way to do this with minimal boilerplate (e.g. subclassing all the models one by one). I was hoping for maybe just an attribute to add to a model definition which would use then allow the context parameter on model_validate to be used to specify whether or not apply any default. Or maybe there is already something built into pydantic which i have missed?
I solved neatly by using the library https://github.com/zmievsa/cached_classproperty and the following code
from cached_classproperty import cached_classproperty
from pydantic import BaseModel, create_model, ConfigDict
from pydantic_core import PydanticUndefined
from typing import Any
class StrictModel(BaseModel):
model_config = ConfigDict(ignored_types=(cached_classproperty,))
def Strict(cls, **kwargs: Any):
m = create_model(
__base__ = cls
for field in m.model_fields.values():
field.default = PydanticUndefined
return m
class Foo(StrictModel):
a: int = 2
b: int = 2
foo = Foo(a=1)
print(foo) #a=1 b=2
bar = Foo.Strict(a=1) #validation error as b not supplied