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how to create a list of countries from a .json file from restcountries rest API?

I am trying to create a list of countries from the .json file of restcountries.

I only want the name and the population of the countries, so I define this class:

public class CountryDTO
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int Population { get; set; }

And this is how I try to create the list of countries from the .json file:

string json = await _httpClient.GetStringAsync("");

List<CountryDTO>? countries = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<CountryDTO>>(json);

The population is set correctly, but the name isn't.

This is the structure of one country:

        "name": {
            "common": "Angola",
            "official": "Republic of Angola",
            "nativeName": {
                "por": {
                    "official": "República de Angola",
                    "common": "Angola"
        "tld": [
        "cca2": "AO",
        "ccn3": "024",
        "cca3": "AGO",
        "cioc": "ANG",
        "independent": true,
        "status": "officially-assigned",
        "unMember": true,
        "currencies": {
            "AOA": {
                "name": "Angolan kwanza",
                "symbol": "Kz"
        "idd": {
            "root": "+2",
            "suffixes": [
        "capital": [
        "altSpellings": [
            "República de Angola",
            "ʁɛpublika de an'ɡɔla"
        "region": "Africa",
        "subregion": "Middle Africa",
        "languages": {
            "por": "Portuguese"
        "translations": {
            "ara": {
                "official": "أنغولا",
                "common": "جمهورية أنغولا"
            "bre": {
                "official": "Republik Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "ces": {
                "official": "Angolská republika",
                "common": "Angola"
            "cym": {
                "official": "Gweriniaeth Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "deu": {
                "official": "Republik Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "est": {
                "official": "Angola Vabariik",
                "common": "Angola"
            "fin": {
                "official": "Angolan tasavalta",
                "common": "Angola"
            "fra": {
                "official": "République d'Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "hrv": {
                "official": "Republika Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "hun": {
                "official": "Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "ita": {
                "official": "Repubblica dell'Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "jpn": {
                "official": "アンゴラ共和国",
                "common": "アンゴラ"
            "kor": {
                "official": "앙골라 공화국",
                "common": "앙골라"
            "nld": {
                "official": "Republiek Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "per": {
                "official": "جمهوری آنگولا",
                "common": "آنگولا"
            "pol": {
                "official": "Republika Angoli",
                "common": "Angola"
            "por": {
                "official": "República de Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "rus": {
                "official": "Республика Ангола",
                "common": "Ангола"
            "slk": {
                "official": "Angolská republika",
                "common": "Angola"
            "spa": {
                "official": "República de Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "srp": {
                "official": "Република Ангола",
                "common": "Ангола"
            "swe": {
                "official": "Republiken Angola",
                "common": "Angola"
            "tur": {
                "official": "Angola Cumhuriyeti",
                "common": "Angola"
            "urd": {
                "official": "جمہوریہ انگولہ",
                "common": "انگولہ"
            "zho": {
                "official": "安哥拉共和国",
                "common": "安哥拉"
        "latlng": [
        "landlocked": false,
        "borders": [
        "area": 1246700.0,
        "demonyms": {
            "eng": {
                "f": "Angolan",
                "m": "Angolan"
            "fra": {
                "f": "Angolaise",
                "m": "Angolais"
        "flag": "🇦🇴",
        "maps": {
            "googleMaps": "",
            "openStreetMaps": ""
        "population": 32866268,
        "gini": {
            "2018": 51.3
        "fifa": "ANG",
        "car": {
            "signs": [
            "side": "right"
        "timezones": [
        "continents": [
        "flags": {
            "png": "",
            "svg": "",
            "alt": "The flag of Angola features two equal horizontal bands of red and black, with a yellow emblem at its centre. This emblem consists of a five-pointed star within the hoist-side facing half of a cogwheel that is crossed on its lower end by a machete."
        "coatOfArms": {
            "png": "",
            "svg": ""
        "startOfWeek": "monday",
        "capitalInfo": {
            "latlng": [

How could I create a list of countries with the name and the population?



  • You will have to add an extra DTO:

        public class NameDetailsDTO
            public string Common { get; set; } = default!;
            public string Official { get; set; } = default!;
        public class CountryDTO
            public NameDetailsDTO DetailedName { get; set; } = default!;
            public string Name { get => DetailedName.Official; }
            public int Population { get; set; }

    This attribute [JsonPropertyName()] allows you to define a custom name for JSON properties that doesn't necessarily match the C# property name, but is not used as a parser inside the JSON.