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How can I choose a database based on company id?

I have exacly the same two databases (in the feature I can have them more). The first database has data of company X and the second database has data of company Y. Is there any solution how can I choose which database I want to use based on company id? Because now I have to create as many DBContext classes as I have databases although each database is the same. Is any other way or not?

// the first DbContext for company X:
    public class MyDatabase1 : DbContext, IMyDatabase
            public MyDatabase1 (DbContextOptions<MyDatabase1> options)
                : base(options)
        public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; } = default!;
// the second DbContext for company Y:
    public class MyDatabase2 : DbContext, IMyDatabase
            public MyDatabase2 (DbContextOptions<MyDatabase2> options)
                : base(options)
        public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; } = default!;
    public interface IMyDatabase
        DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; }
    public class Post
        public int PostId { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }

And then I have to register it in Program.cs:

builder.Services.AddDbContext<MyDatabase1>(options =>

builder.Services.AddDbContext<MyDatabase2>(options =>

I use it in that way:

public class DatabaseStrategy
    private readonly MyDatabase1 _context1;
    private readonly MyDatabase2 _context2;

    public DatabaseStrategy(MyDatabase1 context1, MyDatabase2 context2)
        _context1 = context1;
        _context2 = context2;

    public IMyDatabase GetDatabase(int companyId)
        if (companyId == 1)
            return _context1; 
        else if (companyId == 2)
            return _context2;
            throw new Exception();


public class PostsController : ControllerBase
    private readonly DatabaseStrategy _databaseStrategy;

    public PostsController(DatabaseStrategy databaseStrategy)
        _databaseStrategy = databaseStrategy;                

    public ActionResult<List<Post>> Get()
        var companyId = 1;
        var databaseStrategy = _databaseStrategy.GetDatabase(companyId);

        var result = databaseStrategy.Posts.ToList();
        return result;


  • You need create single DbContext.cs class like below :

    public class MyDatabase : DbContext, IMyDatabase
        public MyDatabase(DbContextOptions<MyDatabase> options)
            : base(options)
        public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; } = default!;

    And in appsettings.json specify the two connection string like below:

        "ConnectionStrings": {
            "Company1": "Server=server1;Database=company1_db;User Id=user;Password=password;",
            "Company2": "Server=server2;Database=company2_db;User Id=user;Password=password;"

    Afterward, create DBContextFactory.cs class which relies on the company id like below:

    public class DbContextFactory
        private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
        private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
        public DbContextFactory(IConfiguration configuration, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            _configuration = configuration;
            _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
        public MyDatabase CreateDbContext(int companyId)
            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyDatabase>();
            var connectionString = GetConnectionString(companyId);
            return new MyDatabase(optionsBuilder.Options);
        private string GetConnectionString(int companyId)
            return companyId switch
                1 => _configuration.GetConnectionString("Company1"),
                2 => _configuration.GetConnectionString("Company2"),
                _ => throw new Exception("Invalid company ID")

    Don't forget to register DbContextFactory.cs class in your program.cs like below


    Now you can modify your DatabaseStrategy.cs class to dynamically get the DbContext by passing the company ID like below :

    public class DatabaseStrategy
        private readonly DbContextFactory _dbContextFactory;
        public DatabaseStrategy(DbContextFactory dbContextFactory)
            _dbContextFactory = dbContextFactory;
        public IMyDatabase GetDatabase(int companyId)
            return _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext(companyId);

    Finally, at the controller level expose the endpoint to pass List<Posts> via controller

    public class PostsController : ControllerBase
        private readonly DatabaseStrategy _databaseStrategy;
        public PostsController(DatabaseStrategy databaseStrategy)
            _databaseStrategy = databaseStrategy;                
        public ActionResult<List<Post>> Get(int companyId)
            var database = _databaseStrategy.GetDatabase(companyId);
            var result = database.Posts.ToList();
            return result;

    Note: It's not the best practice to expose your DatabaseStrategy.cs directly in your controller. Therefore it's better to add an additional service level between DatabaseStrategy.cs and your API controller.