I'm presently building a service to allow users to provide themselves with self-service access to certain applications, with access to those applications managed via Entra groups.
I have the following golang code to check if the user is a member of a specified group (this is my first real working with Golang and the associated Graph SDK, so apologies if this sucks!)
package entra
import (
azidentity "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity"
msgraphsdk "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-go"
type Credentialer interface {
NewClientSecretCredential(tenantID string, clientID string, clientSecret string, options *azidentity.ClientSecretCredentialOptions) (*azidentity.ClientSecretCredential, error)
type GraphClientCreator interface {
NewGraphServiceClientWithCredentials(cred *azidentity.ClientSecretCredential, scopes []string) (*msgraphsdk.GraphServiceClient, error)
type Service struct {
Credentialer Credentialer
GraphClientCreator GraphClientCreator
type AzureCredentialer struct{}
func (ac *AzureCredentialer) NewClientSecretCredential(tenantID string, clientID string, clientSecret string, options *azidentity.ClientSecretCredentialOptions) (*azidentity.ClientSecretCredential, error) {
return azidentity.NewClientSecretCredential(tenantID, clientID, clientSecret, options)
type MsGraphClientCreator struct{}
func (mgcc *MsGraphClientCreator) NewGraphServiceClientWithCredentials(cred *azidentity.ClientSecretCredential, scopes []string) (*msgraphsdk.GraphServiceClient, error) {
return msgraphsdk.NewGraphServiceClientWithCredentials(cred, scopes)
func (s *Service) GetGraphClient() (*msgraphsdk.GraphServiceClient, error) {
// Get the Azure AD client ID
clientId := viper.GetString("client_id")
tenantId := viper.GetString("tenant_id")
clientSecret := viper.GetString("client_secret")
// Create creds
clientCredentials, err := s.Credentialer.NewClientSecretCredential(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, nil)
if err != nil {
zap.S().Error("Error creating managed identity credentials: ", err)
return nil, err
zap.S().Debug("Managed identity credentials created successfully")
// Create a new Graph client
graphClient, err := s.GraphClientCreator.NewGraphServiceClientWithCredentials(
if err != nil {
zap.S().Error("Error creating graph client: ", err)
return nil, err
zap.S().Debug("Graph client created successfully")
return graphClient, nil
func IsUserInGroup(groupId string, userId string) (bool, error) {
service := &Service{
Credentialer: &AzureCredentialer{},
GraphClientCreator: &MsGraphClientCreator{},
// Get the graph client
graphClient, err := service.GetGraphClient()
if err != nil {
zap.S().Error("Error getting graph client: ", err)
return false, err
zap.S().Debug("Getting group members...")
zap.S().Debug("Group ID: ", groupId)
zap.S().Debug("User ID: ", userId)
group, err := graphClient.Users().ByUserId(userId).MemberOf().Get(context.Background(), nil)
if err != nil {
zap.S().Error("Error getting group members: ", err)
return false, err
zap.S().Debug("Group memberships: ", len(group.GetValue()))
for _, membership := range group.GetValue() {
if *membership.GetId() == groupId {
zap.S().Debug("User is a member of the group")
return true, nil
return false, nil
However, when it comes to attempting to unit test it, I can't seem to figure out how mock the Graph responses accordingly and I'm not 100% sure where to begin.
If anybody could help to point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful!
Thanks for the detailed example.
Let's first see what you use. AFAICS the only point where you call *msgraphsdk.GraphServiceClient
and use the response is
group, err := graphClient.Users().ByUserId(userId).MemberOf().Get(context.Background(), nil)
/// [...]
for _, membership := range group.GetValue() {
/// [...]
So, let us mock that. Since we want to test our business logic (is the user in a group or not), we write a short wrapper for the call:
type MSGraphClient struct {
c *msgraphsdk.GraphServiceClient
func (g MSGraphClient) UserGroupsByUserID(
ctx context.Context, userID string,
) ([]models.DirectoryObjectable, error) {
response, err := g.c.Users().ByUserId(userID).MemberOf().Get(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response.GetValue(), nil
This transforms our code above into
gc := MSGraphClient{c: graphClient}
groups, err := gc.UserGroupsByUserID(context.Background(), userId)
// [...]
for _, membership := range groups {
// [...]
Now that we simplified things, let's see what our code dependes on:
type GraphClient interface {
UserGroupsByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID string) ([]models.DirectoryObjectable, error)
Great. Let us refactor our IsUserInGroup
so that it is testable, and inject the relevant collaborators:
func IsUserInGroup(ctx context.Context, graphClient GraphClient, groupID string, userID string) (bool, error) {
groups, err := graphClient.UserGroupsByUserID(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error getting groups for user %s: %w", userID, err)
for _, membership := range groups {
if *membership.GetId() == groupID {
return true, nil
return false, nil
Now that is testable by writing your own TestGraphClient
type TestGraphClient struct{}
func (TestGraphClient) UserGroupsByUserID(_ context.Context, userID string) ([]models.DirectoryObjectable, error) {
if userID != "testUser" {
err := odataerrors.NewODataError()
return nil, err
var result []models.DirectoryObjectable
result = append(result, TestDirectoryObjectable{id: "group1"})
return result, nil
and using a TestDirectoryObjectable
type TestDirectoryObjectable struct{ id string }
func (t TestDirectoryObjectable) GetId() *string {
return &t.id
// [...]
func (TestDirectoryObjectable) OtherFuncs() {
Your IDE should help with implementing the missing functions of models.DirectoryObjectable
If that's too much boilerplate, you could either let mockery
write the code for you, or adapt MSGraphClient
to return something more convenient - the latter meaning it has at least some logic which needs to be tested, while currently it is just a thin wrapper.