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Laravel - Error with union and cursorPaginate

I am trying to do union with DB query builder because with models is not working the union with paginate/cursorPaginate.

I have this but give an SQL error because Laravel is not building the right query (maybe my fault, I don't known where to change)

The error is:

"SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'where clause'
(Connection: mysql, SQL: 
    select `nv`.*, `pi`.`image`, `unv`.`username`, `p`.`image` as `profileimage`
    from `posts` as `nv`
    inner join `post_images` as `pi` on `nv`.`id` = `pi`.`post_id`
    inner join `users` as `unv` on `nv`.`user_id` = `unv`.`id`
    inner join `profiles` as `p` on `nv`.`user_id` = `p`.`user_id`
    where `nv`.`id` not in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8)
    and (`nv`.`id` < 1)
    order by `nv`.`id` desc
  ) union (
    select `v`.*, `piv`.`image`, `uv`.`username`, `pr`.`image` as `profileimage`
    from `posts` as `v`
    inner join `post_images` as `piv` on `v`.`id` = `piv`.`post_id`
    inner join `users` as `uv` on `v`.`user_id` = `uv`.`id`
    inner join `profiles` as `pr` on `v`.`user_id` = `pr`.`user_id`
    where `v`.`id` in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8)
    and (`nv`.`id` < 1)
    order by `v`.`id` desc
  limit 3

And that is right! I don't know WHY Laravel uses the alias where the correct is The function code is:

public function getPosts()
    $viewedPostsIds = ViewedPost::select('post_id')->where('user_id', Auth::id())->get();
    $postsNotViewed = DB::table('posts as nv')
        ->select(['nv.*', 'pi.image', 'unv.username', 'p.image as profileimage'])
        ->whereNotIn('', $viewedPostsIds)
        ->join('post_images as pi', '', '=', 'pi.post_id')
        ->join('users as unv', 'nv.user_id', '=', '')
        ->join('profiles as p', 'nv.user_id', '=', 'p.user_id');

    $postsViewed = DB::table('posts as v')
        ->select(['v.*', 'piv.image', 'uv.username', 'pr.image as profileimage'])
        ->whereIn('', $viewedPostsIds)
        ->join('post_images as piv', '', '=', 'piv.post_id')
        ->join('users as uv', 'v.user_id', '=', '')
        ->join('profiles as pr', 'v.user_id', '=', 'pr.user_id');

    $cursorData = $postsNotViewed->union($postsViewed)->cursorPaginate(2);

    return [
        'data' => $cursorData->groupBy('post_id')->flatten(1),
        'next_page' => $cursorData->nextPageUrl(),
        'has_more_page' => $cursorData->hasMorePages(),


Edit: If I edit the 2nd query to match the same alias as the first (nv.) works but the second page give me 0 results: First page: enter image description here Second page: enter image description here

Edit 2: Trying with 'order by id in (...)' (for remove the union) gives me a meaningless error:

    public function getPosts()
        $viewedPostsIds = ViewedPost::select('post_id')->where('user_id', Auth::id())->get()->pluck('post_id')->all();
        $posts = DB::table('posts as p')->selectRaw('p.*,max(i.image) as image, u.username, max(pro.image) as profileimage')
            //   ->whereNotIn('', $viewedPostsIds)->orderByDesc('')
            ->join('post_images as i', '', '=', 'i.post_id')
            ->join('users as u', 'p.user_id', '=', '')
            ->join('profiles as pro', 'p.user_id', '=', 'pro.user_id')
            ->orderByRaw(" in (" . implode(',', $viewedPostsIds) . ") DESC")

        $cursorData = $posts->cursorPaginate(2);
        return [
            'data' => $cursorData->items(),//->groupBy('')->flatten(1),
            'next_page' => $cursorData->nextPageUrl(),
            'has_more_pages' => $cursorData->hasMorePages(),

The error: enter image description here

Edit 3: Without the group by SAME error:

        $viewedPostsIds = ViewedPost::select('post_id')->where('user_id', Auth::id())->get()->pluck('post_id')->all();
        $posts = DB::table('posts as p')->selectRaw('p.*,i.image as image, u.username, pro.image as profileimage')
            //   ->whereNotIn('', $viewedPostsIds)->orderByDesc('')
            ->join('post_images as i', '', '=', 'i.post_id')
            ->join('users as u', 'p.user_id', '=', '')
            ->join('profiles as pro', 'p.user_id', '=', 'pro.user_id')
            ->whereRaw(' = (select min(id) from post_images where post_id =')
            ->orderByRaw(" in (" . implode(',', $viewedPostsIds) . ") DESC");

        $cursorData = $posts->cursorPaginate(2);
        return [
            'data' => $cursorData->items(),//->groupBy('')->flatten(1),
            'next_page' => $cursorData->nextPageUrl(),
            'has_more_pages' => $cursorData->hasMorePages(),

Edit 4: Tried the @miken32 DB Query builder solution but gives me an error with the cursorPaginator:

"SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number (Connection: mysql, SQL: select `posts`.*, `post_images`.`image`, `users`.`username`, `profiles`.`image` as `profileimage`, (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM viewed_posts WHERE user_id = 1 AND post_id = AS viewedstate from `posts` inner join `post_images` on `posts`.`id` = `post_images`.`post_id` inner join `users` on `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` inner join `profiles` on `posts`.`user_id` = `profiles`.`user_id` where ((EXISTS(SELECT * FROM viewed_posts WHERE user_id = 0 AND post_id = > 0 or ((EXISTS(SELECT * FROM viewed_posts WHERE user_id = 5 AND post_id = = ? and (`posts`.`id` < ?))) order by `viewedstate` asc, `posts`.`id` desc limit 3)"

Without the paginator works great, but I need paginate


  • Cursor pagination doesn't work with arbitrary queries. There are some limitations and your query is not compatible with them. It means that you should use the regular paginate() method instead.

    I would do something like this:

    public function getPosts()
        $posts = DB::table('posts as p')
            ->selectRaw('p.*, i.image as image, u.username, pro.image as profileimage')
            ->selectRaw('(exists (select 1 from viewed_posts where user_id = ? and post_id = as viewed', [Auth::id()])
            ->join('post_images as i', '', '=', 'i.post_id')
            ->join('users as u', 'p.user_id', '=', '')
            ->join('profiles as pro', 'p.user_id', '=', 'pro.user_id')
            ->whereRaw(' = (select min(id) from post_images where post_id =')
        $paginator = $posts->paginate(2);
        return [
            'data' => $paginator->items(),
            'next_page' => $paginator->nextPageUrl(),
            'has_more_page' => $paginator->hasMorePages()