I want to build a hybrid application (Web technologies embedded in a desktop app).
I will start with a Web version and the embed it using WebKit, but I don't want the embedded version to service requests through a TCP port.
With WebKit (Qt,Gtk) I can intercept all URL requests and act on them.
What I'm missing is a way to invoke the Flask URL-to-callable dispatcher without going through TCP (or WSGI).
Any ideas better than analyzing the call stack with a debugger?
Simon Sapin answered on the (quite active) Flask mailing list:
Why not WSGI ?
You have to get a Python interpreter somewhere. Then you need to call your application somehow with data from WebKit like the URL being requested, and get the response. WSGI is just that: a calling convention for Python functions (or other callable objects.)
If WSGI is more complex than you’d like, you can use the test client:
- http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/api/#flask.Flask.test_client
- http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/test/#werkzeug.test.Client
- http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/test/#werkzeug.test.EnvironBuilder
That’s how I do it in Frozen-Flask. It simulates HTTP requests to a Flask app at the WSGI level and write the responses to static files. The test client is just an easier way to make WSGI calls:
WSGI really is Flask’s "entry point".
Other than that if you’re interested in Flask inner workings start looking from here: